How To Use Archwing in Cambion Drift, Deimos

All open-world areas are hard to navigate on foot, this is where you Archwing or K-Drive will come into use. Even with a Volt with full speed build, I was struggling to roam around since I didn’t have an Archwing equipped. Everyone has to grind quite a bit for getting Xaku and Necramech, so you’ll have to roam around a lot.

In this article, we will find out how you can use Archwing in Cambion Drift, Deimos, that is the new infested open-world.

How To Use Archwing in Cambion Drift

To be able to use Archwing, you’ll first have to make sure that you have completed “The Archwing” quest. This quest will be available for you once you have unlocked the Mars Junction. I know this information might be irrelevant because you are already in Deimos but I am mentioning it so nothing is left out.

Important: Make sure you have any Archwing already crafted, these are similar to other weapons. My favourite is Itzal for fast speeds.

Once you’ve checked out the previous requirement. You need the Archwing Launcher Segment to be installed into your Foundry. To obtain the blueprint for the same, head to your Clan Dojo and craft it. This will require 30 minutes for crafting and can be rushed for 10 platinum. Once complete, go ahead and install it in your Foundry.

After this, go to your Arsenal > Select the Q wheel (3rd option) > replace one of the things with Archwing Launcher. Now go to Deimos and move to any open area, and Press Q to select Archwing Launcher. That’s all you’ve successfully equipped the archwing and you’re ready to roll. You can exit from flying mode by pressing E.

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