In Minecraft, you need to build a shelter to keep you safe from mobs at night.
Required Materials to make a Shelter
There are a few items that you will need to have gathered before you can build a shelter.
Since you are just starting the game and don’t have many resources, it is easiest to build your shelter out of the side of a mountain. As such, you will need a pickaxe to mine.
You can use any type of pickaxe, but the most common pickaxe to use when you are just starting out is a wooden pickaxe or a stone pickaxe.

Second, you absolutely must have torches. You will need at least 4 torches, but maybe more, depending on the size of your shelter.

Torches are used to light up your shelter. You will place at least 1 torch on each wall. The light from the torches will prevent mobs from spawning in your shelter and attacking you.
Wooden Door
Next, you will need a wooden door for you shelter. The wooden door will allow you to go in and out of your shelter. When the door is closed, you will be safe inside as the door will keep mobs out.
You can craft a door out of any kind of wood. These are the types of doors that you can craft:

Steps to make a Shelter
1. Dig into a Mountain
Since you won’t have a lot of resources when you first get started, the easiest way to build a shelter is to dig into the side of a mountain to make your shelter.
So first, find a mountain or rock face that looks like a good place to build a shelter.
2. Build the Entrance
Dig out a hole in the side of the rock face that is 2 blocks high. This will be the entrance to your shelter and the spot where you will put your door.
Now begin tunnelling into the mountain.
3. Build the Room
You will want to dig out enough blocks to make a fairly large room. It needs to be big enough to place your valuables, and still have room to move around.
4. Add Torches
Next, place torches on all of your walls to light up your shelter. This light will prevent hostile mobs from spawning inside your shelter and attacking you.
5. Add a Wooden Door
Finally, add a wooden door to the entrance of your shelter.
Now your shelter is done. You can start placing your personal items inside the shelter such as your crafting table, bed, chest, and any other valuable items that you want to keep safe.
This is a very simple shelter. As you progress in the game, your shelters will become more complex and elaborate.