How to make a Colored Sign

Required Materials to make a Colored Sign

In Minecraft, these are the materials you can use to make a colored sign:

oak sign
How to make an Oak Sign
spruce sign
How to make a Spruce Sign
birch sign
How to make a Birch Sign
acacia sign
How to make an Acacia Sign
jungle sign
How to make a Jungle Sign
dark oak sign
How to make a Dark Oak Sign
crimson sign
How to make a Crimson Sign
warped sign
How to make a Warped Sign
TIP: This method of setting the text color for a sign only works in Bedrock Edition.

Steps to Make a Colored Sign in Bedrock Edition

1. Place a Sign

In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, you can only set the color of the text in the sign when you initially place the sign. So start by placing a sign. In this tutorial, we will place a Spruce sign.

how to make a colored sign in bedrock edition

Once you place the sign, Minecraft will allow you to enter the text for the sign. You will see a sign (like below) appear with a blinking cursor:

how to make a colored sign in bedrock edition

2. Importance of the § symbol

Before we enter the text for our sign, we need to take a moment to explain the importance of the § symbol.

Color and formatting is added to signs using the § symbol in Bedrock Edition (PE, Win10, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch). There are 16 different colors available and 4 formatting options that you can choose from.

The following is the list of color codes and format codes that you can use for signs in Bedrock Edition:

Color Code Description
§0 Changes text to Black
§1 Changes text to Dark Blue
§2 Changes text to Dark Green
§3 Changes text to Dark Aqua
§4 Changes text to Dark Red
§5 Changes text to Dark Purple
§6 Changes text to Gold
§7 Changes text to Gray
§8 Changes text to Dark Gray
§9 Changes text to Blue
§a Changes text to Green
§b Changes text to Aqua
§c Changes text to Red
§d Changes text to Light Purple
§e Changes text to Yellow
§f Changes text to White
§g Changes text to Minecoin Gold


Format Code Description
§k Obfuscated
§l Bold
§o Italic
§r Reset to the default


TIP: If you don’t know where to find the § symbol, read our Where to find the Color Symbol in Minecraft tutorial.

3. Enter the text for the Sign

Here are a few examples of how to enter colored signs in Bedrock Edition:

Example #1

how to make a colored sign in bedrock edition

Using §b changes the color of the text to Aqua:


Example #2

how to make a colored sign in bedrock edition

Using multiple color codes changes the color for each letter:


Example #3

how to make a colored sign in bedrock edition

Using format codes such as §l can set the text to bold:

§bhi §lhi
Note: Once you enter a certain length for the sign text, the sign editor will not display the end of your sign text. So it is difficult to see the end of the sign text in Example #2.

Congratulations, you just learned how to make a colored sign in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

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