
Everyone likes to know where they’re going. Journeymap maps your world as you explore, lets you mark waypoints of interest, and can even warn you when mobs are sneaking up behind you. View the resulting map in-game as a minimap, in fullscreen, or even in an external web browser.  

Optifine / Fastcraft

Got a beefy computer? Make Minecraft look incredible with Optifine, which adds support for HD textures and more control over graphical options. Alternatively, if you’re playing on a potato, grab Fastcraft – it significantly improves performance on lower-end machines, particularly with lots of Minecraft mods installed.

Atlantis mode

/atlantis Dramatically raises the world’s water level, submerging all but the highest mountains.


/summon Instantly drops a desired creature or object into your world, especially handy for when you’re short a couple of tame ocelots.

Stop time

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false This will stop the game’s day/light cycle in it’s place, allowing you to live under permanent sunshine or moonlight. To resume the day/light cycle type in “/gamerule doDaylightCycle true”.

Keep inventory when you die

/gamerule keepInventory true Ensures you don’t lose your items upon dying. To revert this, type “false” in place of “true”

Change difficulty to Peaceful

/difficulty peaceful Changes difficulty to Peaceful mode. Replace “peaceful” with “easy”, “ normal”, or “hard” for more of a challenge.

Set time

/time set 1000 Sets the time to day. Replace “1000” with “0” for dawn, “6000” for midday, “12000” for dusk and “18000” for night.

Survival mode

/gamemode survival Changes the gamemode to Survival mode, which means mobs will attack you and you’ll have to gather all resources the old-fashioned way.