Plan out your builds

Let’s say you’re making a new base or renovating your existing one. The process would be much easier if you plan it out and do things like making a block palette or make a skeleton for your build with dirt before you use other materials. Remember, these should be the bare bones of your build … Read more

Storage Wars

Having an efficient and neat storage system would increase your productivity and make life in Minecraft much simpler. Keep your mining tools close to your mines, keep your food in a separate chest from your wood and if you’re good at Redstone, you can even make machines that sort out your items.

Walls and torches save lives

Building walls is something very important if you want to stay safe. Be it to protect your house or to stop creepers from sneaking up behind you while you’re tending to your crops. Walling up areas stops mobs from getting in while lighting up those areas will stop mobs from spawning in.

Trap in villagers every time you find a village

This one might sound a bit cruel… But if you want to find villagers to trade with, trapping them in would stop them from wandering off or getting killed and some of the ways of doing this are walling up the village or blocking the doors of the houses as the villagers go to sleep. … Read more

Keep an eye on the durability of your tools

It’s always very frustrating when you’re mining and your last pickaxe breaks or you’re trying to take down a horde of zombies when your sword breaks or your elytra breaks while you’re flying around in your world. Remember it’s cheaper to fix up your gear instead of making a new one when it breaks. As … Read more

Always carry a water bucket

One should make it a point to carry a water bucket in Minecraft. Whether it be to get down a ravine, walk over lava or save yourself from a tall fall. Water buckets are a multipurpose tool that you should always carry.

Need a clock or a compass? You don’t have to craft them!

This is a trick everyone should know. Clocks and compasses aren’t used all that often but take up space in your inventory and require resources. Instead of crafting them, simply head over to your crafting recipes and the clock and compass over there can work even without crafting them.

Use the coordinates feature

In the game settings, turn on the coordinates. Whenever you’re playing, sit down with a notepad or take screenshots of important places so that you have their coordinates and can come back if you need to. These important places could be your main base, a village, a stronghold or any other structure to which you … Read more