
/kill Kills your character, adding another player’s name will apply the command to them.


/tp [TargetPlayer] x y z Used to instantly transport yourself or another player to a specific location in the world. Using another player’s name in place of the coordinates will transport the target directly to said player’s location. You can also teleport to a new world with these Minecraft maps.


/give <Player> <Item> [Amount] Used to give another player an item from your inventory. Example: /give PCGamesN minecraft:planks 13. This would give PCGamesN 13 Spruce Wood Planks. This command is much simpler when giving single objects, but is useful for stackable objects.


/help [CommandName] Provides more information on the given command.

How to Turn on Cheats to run Commands

You can not run game commands in Minecraft until you have turned on cheats. Game commands let you switch between Creative and Survival game modes, change the time of day, change the weather, or summon a mob. Let’s explore how to turn on Cheats. Background There are different versions of Minecraft and cheats are not … Read more