Mind your timings

Time plays cruel jokes on each side in different phases of a round. Professional players use time in their favor. Often, you can see combinations of terrorists rushes to the respective bomb sites in timings as late as 20 seconds before the end of a round. To do this effectively, they prepare accordingly and try … Read more

Grenades can be more dangerous than your main weapon

According to statistics, beginners hardly throw grenades and mid-rank players throw a lot of grenades, but they often do so thoughtlessly. Professionals also use a lot of grenades, but they do it most effectively. Each grenade can do more good than any other firearm. The right smoke covering the right choke point or pass gives … Read more

Learn all points of the maps

Before you start playing on any map, it is necessary to thoroughly study it. Understanding the maps in CSGO distinguishes a professional player from a beginner. Professionals know where their enemy can appear and know how to move around in any situation. Knowing the maps will also boost your efficiency and speed while communicating with … Read more

Change tactics and positioning each round

Enemies get used to your position and know where to expect you in future rounds. Change your tactics and change your positioning. Even if you change your spot or exit point just a little bit, it can confuse your enemies. Selecting the right position gives you an advantage over the enemy. Use the structures on … Read more

Aim with your mind

Learn how best to use the gun you’re shooting with. Spray patterns, rates of fire, and damage; all of this information will help you to defeat your enemies in a duel. It’s better to make one accurate shot than to spray the whole clip and kill no one.