In November 2016, Warframe‘s second cinematic quest was released, titled “The War Within”. This quest sends the player on the chase for Teshin, the master and overseer of the Conclave, as he is seen suspiciously searching the pods of the newly awakened Tenno. Tracking Teshin across the solar system leads to the discovery of the Kuva Fortress, a massive asteroid under Grineer control where the (so far only known as a legend) Twin Grineer Queens reside. The Queens are shown to have their origins as far back as the Old Empire, and Teshin is revealed to be a Dax Soldier, meaning he was under their command due to them being of Orokin origin thus gaining the ability to wield the Kuva Scepter.
The Queens cause an overload on the connection between Tenno and Warframe, forcing Tenno to seek them out themselves, slowly discovering their Void powers. On the mission’s climax, the Tenno unlocks Transference (which replaces Transcendence), an ability that allows them to roam independently of their Warframe at will, weakens the Elder Grineer Queen, and has the option to kill her or “Let her rot”, since all Grineer bodies decay over time due to excessive cloning. This quest also introduces an Alignment system to the game, with possible options being Sun, Neutral, and Moon. This alignment has so far not had any consequence in gameplay, leaving its purpose unknown.